Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Understanding the Musculoskeletal Pain Syndrome - Fibromyalgia and Back Pain Part I

Neck pain, back pain and sciatica, also known as a complex of back pain has many causes. A principle of the least understood causes of back pain, and there are many causes, it is commonly referred to as the syndrome of musculoskeletal pain. Musculoskeletal pain syndrome occurs in two forms, fibromyalgia or myofascial pain syndrome. The two pain syndromes are responsible for the pain in different parts of the body, including der from the neck, back, in high and down, and legs (sciatica). In this article will be the first to fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia causes pain in the region affected by contact with these areas are used as trigger points. Fibromyalgia may also be responsible for fatigue, stiffness and sleep disturbance. Fibromyalgia is a widespread disease, myofascial pain syndrome and is located in the body. Ildue pain syndromes avecexaminer a change or alterationtion of the threshold of pain of the body, which means that the pain of deproporción painful stimulus. Fibromyalgia is often questioned and the classification of the deed, was described as "not sick".

Fibromyalgia is defined as the muscle and connective tissue pain. The disease is characterized by widespread chronic pain associated with an overly sensitive reaction allodynia or soft touch. As mentioned notéAló, fibromyalgia is not alone ResponsibleLocal for the spread of pain, neck pain, back pain and sciatica, but also by the blocking and debilitating fatigue, sleep dysfunction and sleep disorders, pain and stiffness, difficulty in breathing and swallowing, and a variety of symptoms, which many on the sistemiISM body. The concert of the symptoms, not always in its entirety, are generally Lou together, the "fibromyalgia syndrome. In addition to the above symptomsThe faserigeMyalgie can also take the form of cognitive disorders, such as the development and the problems, concepts and ideas, and a greater frequency of symptoms of anxiety and emotional. The relationship between stress and fibromyalgia seems to be a importanteformica, with a series of psychological events, the air-depression. In reality, there is a strong link between depression and fibromyalgia. The cause or the cause is still very spekulativ, since there is no evidence that there is a real causal connection between the two. It was suggested, and according to the author, the press in May ions is a consequence of the emergence of multiple symptoms, including insomnia and disorders of the sonnoSenza obvious cause or treatment options.

Fibromyalgia notéAló as described above, is defined as a chronic and widespread pain as a result of tactile allodynia, or soft, in particularticularly in the various trigger points on the body. Moreover, the expressions of pain or symptoms may include deep muscle pain, sometimes deep, almost a burning sensation, muscle cramps and spasms, mild to severe debilifacilitar and especially back pain that radiates into the legs (sciatica), neuralgia, or to needles sensations épineuxainsi the skin, general weakness, especially in the extremities, and disruption of the bowel, such as colitis, that spasms.

Insomnia and sleep disturbances are common in patients with fibromialgia, and can change in severity and frequency over time, more and psychological symptoms, particularly anxiety and depression. It is noteworthy that a kind of "fibrofog" or "brain fog" is the centroid dysfonctionneldéfinitif, may result from disturbances and insomnia. There is a clear and demonstrable between the symptoms of fibromyalgia and the inability to concentrate, difficulty mitons of memory in the short and long term, and the deterioration of the Aufmerksamkeittion and inability to multi-task. There are many other symptoms of fibromyalgia patients espresso, but not within the scope of this article.

Ultimately, there are a multitude of symptoms and the devastating consequences of laIVAD and debilitating syndrome. Neck pain, back pain, sciatica, and are certainly important in patients with fibromyalgia, but the concert of Symptomen, the syndrome has many manifestations and possible causes, psychological physiologischenund. Tratteggiataement of fibromyalgia requires a holistic approach, mainly because of the large number of systems from various symptoms of the nature of this syndrome. There is a clear and systematic approach to management, let alone a graphic treatment, suffer from fibromyalgia. Treatment often painkillers such as NSAIDs (naproxen sodium), the pain and suffering. Antidepressants are often used for depression and the serotonin dysfonzione and its effects on the central nervous system, the ability to pain stimuli. The effect of norepinephrine and serotonin, which affects and incentives are being studied, a connection has been discussed, and it is impressive, but the result is still uncertain. In addition, intervention and alternative medicine sehavioral many options to follow. As with most cases of neck pain, back pains and sciatica, the perception is an essential component derdie treatment strategy, even more, because of diversity, often ambiguous constellation of symptoms of pain. Another approach is essential if we want a solution not only to defraud the neck, back pain and sciatica, but the multitude of other symptoms such as fibromyalgia collettivamen.

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