Sunday, May 3, 2009

Finally killed the habit

Normally, I get my nicotine fix from smoking going through about a pack a day depending on my stress levels, but living in LA able to be very challenging sometimes. With all the places you could as well as cannot smoke, it could be a little frustrating sometimes when I all I want to do's just light up. It's the worst at work, I must go through a maze if hallways, up a flight of stairs, and finally to the roof. I guess I could take the normal route of exit but I would have to go through a secured entrance where I would have to swipe my ID card tracking my every move, something I'd rather avoid so that the higher ups wouldn't know how many smoke breaks I take while on the company clock. Or when I am at a restaurant waiting for a table in a smoking section, if they even have a smoking section, can be so inconvenient. That's why I love going to outdoor events; I can totally switch off my smoke friendly radar and feel free to just be.
I am so tired of all of this sneaking around and accommodating others when it very should be within my right to slowly kill myself if I want to. There's no law against overeating if you are an obese person slowing dieing from heart illness and diabetes, yet if you are a smoker you might as well have stolen candy from a baby. It's like we're second class citizens or something. "But what about second hand smoke?" that's their weapon of choice when they want to demean individuals like myself. Personally I think it's a myth. But if you want to entertain the idea that the other people's health are at risk every time my smoke is around them, great, let's go there. First of all I live in La and here are times where I can't see a clear mile in front of me. The air pollution is so bad here that it's probably the heading cause of respiratory problems in Southern California period. Conclusion, let's put a band on all cars. Not going to happen? No problem. What about drinking? It is legal for you to drink inside bars, restaurants, clubs (basically everywhere I want to smoke but can't), and then you are supposed to rationally and responsibly avoid getting behind the wheel after you've been intoxicated. Truth is the majority of people diving in LA area after 2am are more likely to be legally drunk, and does not that pose a stronger threat than second hand smoke? I don't know how many people die of car accidents in LA per year due to drunk drivers, but it's probably a lot more than the number of cases, if any due, to secondhand smoke. So should we put a band on alcohol as well? Probably not, since we already tried that before. As you know, it didn't work. So let's get back to the point of obesity. I read somewhere that obesity was contagious and that there is many kind of a fat bug out there that you can catch from another fat person. That's pretty alarming. So by simply being around a fat person, you could become infected and in turn can make you fat, endanger your health, and give you an express pass to an early grave. Sound familiar? Yet there is no regulation on what people eat, where they eat, how much they eat or who eats it. They band minors from smoking, yet is not fast food, that's so readily available to anyone especially, kids, more of a health risk than second hand smoke? The whole thing just doesn't seem right, where one issue can be blown up completely out of proportion while a more serious one is quietly shoved under a rug.

Well thanks to a friend of mine, I have a secret weapon of my own. I was at a social gathering at a little of high class swanky joint own by some guy who lived off of his parent's wealth. Anyways after many hours of socializing, I needed another smoke. Never failing, I lost my lighter again when I needed it most. I saw some guy smoking indoors assuming that he was the owner of the place, or just some guy who didn't really care. I approached him and asked him for a light he said, "No I can't." At first, I thought he was just being a jerk since his cigarette was obviously lit, yet he refuses to even bump a light off of his. Then he explained that he couldn't because it was literally impossible to do so. Then he showed me what he was smoking. It was some sort of a device that looked and operated like a cigarette but clearly wasn't. He called it the E Cig. Intrigued at the whole idea, I probe further. He told me that there was no smoke or pollutants discharged from this smoking device, yet he got his nicotine fix by inhaling this cigarette like stick that glowed a soft red light at the end of it.

Still filled with questions, I kept inquiring. He said there are these little cartridges filled with nicotine that disperse a fine nicotine gas every time you take a drag on the device. Apparently it's battery operated and it comes with it's own charger, hence the mystery of the soft glowing red light was solved. "Pretty neat," I said. Then I asked him, where would I be able to acquire such a fantastic device. Then he gave me the address of the website. Best bit of info ever. As soon as I got home, I went online, googled E Cig , and there it was in all of its marketing glory. So I order one and in less than 10 days a package arrives at my door. Finally, I become a proud owner of a E Cig. With all the other electronic devices I've bought and never used, I was about get a big change in that old routine. Like Christmas, I tare the package open, charge the puppy up and load the nicotine cartridges. Then I sit back, take a few puffs and relax into a personal cloud of victory. Here's why: a device that works and looks like a cigarette without the effects of secondhand smoke and you get a nicotine fix, the possibilities are endless.

Restaurants? No Problem. Bars? Clubs? No problem. Movie Theaters?

How fun would that be? Anytime, anywhere? Oh, my god! I thought to myself, this is going to be fun.

So I go to my local dive bar. Hit my bartender up for my usual. Then I initiate to light-up (or power-up, I should say). Now, my bartender guy who I've well-known for awhile now looks like he's about to grab me by the face and kick me out of his joint. So behind a wall of rage, my bartender calmly and politely tells me you can't do that here. Then like after an April fool's joke, I start busting out in a laughing fit, in the meantime, showing him the genius of the device. He was so amazed at the accuracy of it that he gathered his crew around just to take a closer look at it. He was so impressed with the device he gave me a drink on the house, and that was just the beginning.

There are so many stories like that and so many yet had, but until you get one of your own, you won't know for yourself.

So if you are a smoker and you are inconvenienced or harassed on a daily basis, this little gadget is definitely for you.

It is a little pricey at first, but for the amount of money you spend on cigarettes per year, it'll pay for itself over time and with the added bonus of freedom and a certain amount of poetic justice, it's a real bargain.

Isn't it time to turn your world upside-down and get one for yourself. Believe you me. You won't regret it.

I found this website that compares the different kinds of E cigs

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