Monday, August 30, 2010

The Reasons For Hair Loss and Natural Treatments to Stop Thinning Hair

Many people do not dare to think of hair loss. But almost all the experience thinning hair at some point in their lives. It is therefore important to understand the causes of hair loss. This information will help you avoid an informed decision about what treatments are used, sparse hair. Drugs can help hair growth, but some of these drugs carry risk of side effects. To avoid these dangers by natural remedies.

Talk to your doctor
There are several causes of hair loss. The treatment, which can be used under certain conditions. Creating hair can be a symptom of a disease. Lupus, anemia, thyroid and hormonal changes can it fall to his son. Discuss your symptoms with your doctor. If you have a medical problem, seek treatment. Because health is a way to stop the thinning hair.

Hair loss in men and women
androgenetica hair loss is a major cause of hair loss. This condition is generally as male or female pattern baldness. It refers to the production of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), hormone-producing men's and women's reproductive health system. DHT attacks hair follicles causing the collapse.

Other causes of hair loss
Vitamin deficiencies can lead to take a son too much. Stress and poor circulation can also cause hair loss.

The hair growth vitamin

Hair is a B-vitamin, or do not develop well. B-vitamin helps to keep the structure of the cells in the frame. It is also to strengthen and prevent problems with the wire and split ends. Vitamin E stimulates hair growth by increasing blood flow to the scalp.

avoid herbs, thin hair
Green tea contains compounds help to stop thinning hair. It reduces the production of DHT. This allows the boys to be rejected. Romero also stimulates natural hair growth .

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