Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Fitness and Being Healthy is As Different As Chalk and Cheese

You wonder how it will end? Lets Get Well in your story, you exercise and eat the right foods and you have done this for several years and can say that you have an annual inspection and on your most recent check up it is found that you have a disease degenerative. Initially, you may may be in shock and disbelieve what has been said about you. You think how did this happen to me, I ate all the right foods and exercised four times a week over the years to keep me strong and fit and now I am told that I have a degenerative disease and There is no cure for me, the only mainstream medicine to manage my health and strength of drugs will be improved because the condition will worsen with age you have this condition for the rest of your life.

Then you ask the doctor what side effects these drugs have and the list is shaken of, your head starts to spin that detailed the symptoms are shared with you, bloating, constipation, blindness, severe joint pain, the bleeding bruises on the skin which take a long time to heal, ulcers in the lining of the stomach, loss of balance and the nightmare continues.

You ask your doctor how we got there, how did I get this disease and you may get an answer medical science and you still can not get your head around it. There is a view that 70 to 80 per cent of degenerative diseases are preventable, they are diseases choice of lifestyle and they are preventative. This is the magic word prevention, it is an old adage, an ounce of prevention is better than cure, so what is it worth to you to apply the prevention aspect in your life and you may not transmit not your car from a degenerative disease. What is your knowledge of vitamins by the quality of men I pharmaceutical grade vitamins, what would it be worth to you to your family and friends?

Would you go on my website and explore your options that you may stop to give you a disease. My point is the exercise, good food, rest and vitamins for your body to cope with the stress we put on our body.

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