Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Guide to Hypertension Symptoms - It's Important For You to Know

Hypertension or high blood pressure is believed that a major health issue. Hypertension is often the symptoms are not visible. Therefore, it is silent as many "killer" means. The doctors or the doctors believe that the true way it can be seen regularly check your blood pressure. So the only way you know that you can have high blood pressure if your doctor tells you otherwise. That cause hypertension are not known. Obesity is one of the main causes of hypertension. If you are overweight, make sure that you regularly check for your health conditions.

Here are some of the symptoms of hypertension are to:

Headaches - Many people often experience headaches. Often these are called tension headaches. It is also possible that you are experiencing the headaches caused by hypertension. A simple headache is a sign that you need to examine your health conditions.

Blurred vision - it is one of the other symptoms of hypertension, which often cause for concern in many people. It is true that often the effects of different drugs may look blurred. But more than that it's often seemed as hypertension symptom.

Nosebleeds - Yet another symptom of hypertension is observed in the form of nosebleeds. If the nose if bleeding without you ever injured or for other reasons, it can definitely be attributed to hypertension. Even if the nose bleeds is compatible, and does not seem to stop, it is advisable to examine your health conditions.

Dizziness - One of the most common symptoms of hypertension is a swindle. There can be many reasons why you may experience dizziness. Low blood pressure is more than often accompanied by dizziness. In mild dizziness, it is always better to consult a doctor.

Fortunately, there are alternative approaches are available for your treatment of hypertension. Bud Adrian is 72 years old, and he suffered from hypertension for more than 10 years. After the following alternative treatments, his blood pressure is now normal.

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