Sunday, March 7, 2010

Scheduled to have a breast lift surgery? Know the dos and don'ts before getting into action

Having a mastopexy in the Philippines or most commonly well-known as breast lift surgery is definitely a big decision and could bring you a lot of anxieties. To support you lessen those uncertainties, go over these pointers to cognize the things you should and should not do before going through the operation.

•Do not smoke. It is good if you do not smoke by nature but for smokers, your surgeon will advice you to stop this at least two weeks before surgery because smoking increases the risks of complications and could prolong the healing time.
•Do not drink. Like smoking, your doctor will ask you to refrain from drinking alcohol since it could affect the result of the surgery and it will not be as good as you have expected.
•Do not take aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal medicines as they able to increase bleeding.


•Have a lab test or medical evaluation. Also get a baseline mammogram before surgery and another one after surgery to support detect any future changes in your breast tissue
•Arrange a time off from work with your employer. You might need some time to rest after the operation so it would be best to tell your company that you will not be around for a couple of days.
•If you choose to have an outpatient surgery, arrange someone, your partner perhaps to drive you to the hospital or clinic, and pick you up afterwards. You wouldn't be able to drive due to anesthetics after the operation. Also make sure that you were able to ask someone to take charge of your everyday tasks since you will very feel tired and sore after the breast lift.
•Make a "To Do List" of things that need to be taken care of beforehand. This will include paying important bills, arranging for someone to look after your children (if you have a family, filling out prescription forms, getting ice packs and dressings (if required) and shopping for ready prepared meals.
•Prepare a small case with some of your clothes, a sleep mask, toiletries and a selection of books and magazines. You might want to bring your iPod so that you able to listen to your favorite music if you don't feel alike reading.
After going through completely the pointers above and you found your self checking completely the things in the list then you are now ready to have your breast lift surgery. In order to get the best possible outcome of your surgery you have to follow everything that your surgeon will ask you to do. Always remember that your doctor knows what's best for you.

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