Thursday, November 4, 2010

How your face with clean natural remedies for acne

One of the most popular for those who suffer from acne, the question is how to use natural remedies for acne? That may be impossible, but you do not read this book possible. The keys are a common condition that many of the boys and girls, men and women. He did not listen to any age or personality to respond. This is most often occur in adolescents, because they are performed in puberty. The keys are usually faces, and can extend to neck, shoulders and chest.

Acne forms when there are changes in our hormones. And hormones, the sebaceous glands produce too much sebum causes occur when bacteria beads on the surface, where it spread to no excess skin cells, fat or dead. Bacteria, which together with the oil skin infections or acne left different.

You can use natural remedies for acne, you should continue reading this article and take action.

Toothpaste is a great way to get rid of this skin problem. Make sure the toothpaste back into the affected areas and not part of his face, because it can cause irritation. Use a gel type of toothpaste or white for best results. Apply before bedtime, so that it will be dry and reduces redness. Use this method if you have sensitive skin.

Eggs may also be a good way, too. There are many home remedies, which are also used to treat the eggs. They are used to hide the skin and enhance and improve your skin. They are rich in protein, and relieve back and skin structure.

Spread the white areas of skin affected by a 20-30 minute eggs. Absorbs dirt and all interested parties to an acne free skin in no time to build. A couple of times a night, good results .


Board certified Doc said...

True using toothpaste on the acne's helps in reducing the growth and spread of acne's.

Cori said...

The egg whites mask really works well for acne. When I don't have eggs, I make a honey mask that I leave for 20 minutes and then rinse with water added with lemon juice.