Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Improve your posture - height growth after puberty

The internet is full of websites that are able to puberty can hormone supplements, pills growing experience, and even argue. Unfortunately, many of them are, and can be extended and causes the bones to grow. After puberty, expenditure and the bones have stopped growing around the world to rise again.

At the stretching and exercises to improve the growth and health in adolescence, is not much help when they mature character. This does not mean they are doomed to live forever, but fortunately there are many other methods that you want to help you later can.

Maintain good posture than sitting on the right, sleep well, and the load limit on the shoulders, you can expand a little. "

How to improve your posture? When he was growing up, without a doubt that he ruin the small samples and bent took a chair, and even things up a bit on your attitude. Poor posture to reduce the level and improve your posture and spine may have continued to increase slightly. "

Whatever you do, do not cut the bone growth. Besides the extremely painful operation is very risky and can lead to weak bones, infections and even paralysis, which you do not want surgery!.

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