Saturday, October 23, 2010

They do not have hair loss after pregnancy worries

This morning we found a lot of hair in the sink, and I noticed some small head. Panic. What the hell is a fairly thick hair? He takes no new drugs, and can not of anything that changed his life the last two weeks to think about. So what happened? There is no time to think, but because the short time the child begins to cry. Aha! No problem. I just went through the pregnancy and hormones that her body during pregnancy is moving back to normal. Hair loss after pregnancy is normal.

Fortunately for you, hair loss is not permanent. In the coming months by the hair cycles of pregnancy, before a gradual return to form. An average day, you have 50-100 hair Hair loss can start to grow During pregnancy, will not allow that to happen hormones. After birth, the hormones back to normal, the hair is the message that a lot of hair off or not. Therefore, flowing hair 2-3 months after pregnancy, hair cycle back to normal. This could be interesting, if not expected.

Finally, the hair grows to the way in which we always used to return, but should apply to any new hair inside the hair will take several months to be able to before'll combination of all lengths of hair to improve. You can take a short hair, so that everyone can grow together, increase the loss of lock, or buy a wig before your hair will be used to see as you. Much is to be maintained on the amount of hair loss, dependent, and if it is necessary for life and a career to get, as always.

The proposal is, however, that if a child and we have recently had hair loss, there is no reason to panic. It's more than your body reacts as it was intended, the problem disappeared and before you know it .

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