Sunday, May 23, 2010

Treatment Tips For Men And Women That Suffer From Zits

As you can see different sizes and shapes for men and women are found in various skin types. In general, people who are often prone to acne have very sensitive skin. Who acne outbreaks, special care and cleaning have the skin. It is therefore necessary to select products with information on skin care products are essential to prevent acne. Although he said that three of the skin to say: dry skin, oily and combination skin, people will, signs of grain, added membership of a group to the problem skin.

People should choose a tendency to outbreaks of acne cosmetics are specially buttons appear. Do not use cosmetics, dyes and perfumes are added, because these substances can aggravate acne.

Such as vitamins C, E and B can be complex and minerals such as zinc, improve overall health and fitness skin. Therefore, try to eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals to improve skin and promoting health. A complete meal in sulfur such as garlic and onion is known to reduce stains. Sugar, fat and fried foods should be avoided. Reduce or better still, eliminate the consumption of beverages with sugar will help to stains.

In addition, avoid scented cosmetics that suffer from acne outbreaks, require special attention to cleaning and maintenance to pay the skin. Here are some tips for what to do and what to do.

We also recommend:

- Very gently massage the skin with warm water and mild detergent, natural face. Clean the skin twice a day, clogging dust, dirt and natural oils, the pores, so a good clean twice a day.

- Choose oil-free make-up is very important. the beauty of traditional, pores large quantities of fatty acids that can clog

You may not:

- In contrast to the above, do not wash your skin, it means that washing is not too high. Unable to remove acne. Washing can aggravate acne spots extreme and cause the emergence and spread.

- Although it seems obvious to choose, push, or pop in this place, the skin, patch distribution losses, and the opening of grain bacterial infection. How to keep your fingers away from his face.

Smoking -. There is nothing good to say, smoking is for your body inside and out bad.

- Clay for skin cleansing, if not abused. Unfortunately, most contain alcohol and dry acetone and damage to the skin.

help - Although some of the sun can dry the surface of the patch can cause prolonged sun exposure of the skin damage and increase the points at the end.

Those who suffer from acne, you should about what they eat, think, and the beauty of real estate acquired to minimize cracking. Like most diseases, or the skin plays a central role in the information to improve .

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