Saturday, September 4, 2010

Hair Loss Causes in Females - Evaluating Your Choices

Total hair loss associated only with men. The truth is that millions of women worldwide suffer from hair loss and baldness problems. Alopecia, known scientifically as alopecia, is not related to gender, race or nationality. Hair loss and hair loss are different types and severity. The most common cause is a genetic or genes that are transmitted from one generation to another, but can also be connected to other causes such as malnutrition. Social perception and image of women baldness is not positive, but there are many treatments that are targeted at women, it can be avoided. Men's hair loss has much in common, these methods are usually the treatment of hair loss in men and are still very effective.

Pharmaceutical treatments include medications or surgery recommended by the MOH. Women, this means that the hormone estrogen to supplement hair growth starts again. Women, early menopause was significantly reduced, or the supply of estrogen in the body. These additives can be tablets or injections. Rogaine, the popular hair loss for men, including minoxydil can also be very useful for women. This medicine is approved by the FDA very promising for women. And "effective dose is much more concentrated, the productivity increase for a limited time.

different drugs, homeopathic medicines, because they are natural. Body consists of herbal supplements to fight based on natural extracts, the causes of hair loss in women. These additives are the opposition to reach a health risk, is much smaller. Shows that fewer side effects and better overall health of the slow progress. This rate is good because it causes less shock to the body. These additives may be tablets, liquids and oils.

Women, including herbal supplements, is recommended Saw Palmetto, and actual results. His primary responsibility is to the natural production of testosterone, women are still more to stop new hairs. bring herbs such as sage and rosemary to a boil and then the color that is regularly changed as shampoo for the scalp. Other oils may in the scalp, promote hair growth and makes hair loss can be manipulated battle. These oils provide the nutrients and the growth of hair follicles to promote hair growth for women. Be careful to keep one of these ways to resolve the causes hair loss. Talk to your doctor before starting treatment.

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