Sunday, September 5, 2010

What Are the Symptoms of the Ear Infection?

If the ear infection was quickly realized his presence. The infection can remain inactive for a long time or not, expressed as symptoms of ear infections. It makes you to achieve this goal, it is one or two days, sometimes within hours.

There are several reasons for the infection. To start a cold or sinus infection. Respiratory infection can also be activated by bacteria or viruses can cause inflammation.

But it's also stupid because it can cause ear infections. Water in the ear when showering or bathing can also stimulate the growth of ear infections. Often, to avoid the presence of excessive wax water flow. But hardly anyone has a quick ear tubes can no water in the ear, usually a bathtub. The presence of water in the ear increases the possibility of initiating infection. Therefore, people with specialized recurrent ear infections most.

The symptoms of an ear infection cause ear pain and dizziness and imbalance, the imbalance, which can sometimes cause vomiting. The symptoms of ear temporary hearing loss with a stuffy nose and ear drainage. Infections, if you can not run a fever 101 degrees or more. Untreated ear infections can lead to permanent hearing damage, such as infection can burst, and the level of the liquid eardrum. Headache and pain are common symptoms of ear infections.

All these signs of otitis media is difficult to diagnose in children because they can express their feelings. Small channels can cause. Children often have coughs and colds. Bacteria or viruses can also cause ear infections, bronchitis in children. What we can do is keep an eye on the movements of the Child. If you see pulling into your ear, you should consult your doctor before it is painful for the child.

If any of these symptoms, ear infection, you should contact your doctor. Otoscope use doctors, test your hearing. It gives you a good feel of what you can lead to pneumonia or, rarely, surgery.

What can we do to prevent infections, which is in their hands. It is advisable, the ears after bathing or swimming dry. You can also prevent the accumulation of ear wax cleaned at regular intervals .

1 comment:

hearing aids said...

Basically it is caused by a multitude of factors,and most of the time it occur in the outer and middle ear.The most common causes of ear infections is Inflammation and infections but some middle ear infections are also caused by bacteria or virus.