Monday, March 30, 2009

Ear Reshaping Surgery Corrects Bat Ears And Other Deformities

Otoplasty or ear surgery restructuring, not only to fix the big "bat" ears, but on a broad range of topics, including the ear tears, asymmetry and deformity of the cartilage.
Many people ignore the ears, with the exception of those who have heard the stichelt of "Dumbo" or "elephants' ears. Many ear deformities can be obscured by an elaborate hairdo, but some könnenso graviche you need surgery. Otoplasty, Ear  or rehabilitation is that the size of the plastic molds, or repositioning of one or both ears.

Otoplasty is a concept that the various cosmetic procedures for the configuration of the ear. The most common is the ear set, also known as pinnaplasty. This method tries ears sticking too close to the head, which often makes them appear larger and direriguardanoder rest of the face. Many children in this Procedures successfully, as children often grow up intheir ears, and is unusable.

Tque The procedure is quite simple, with few risks and complications. After the numbness of the region (general anesthesia is often used to before), the plastic surgeon to cuts behind each ear. The cartilage in this area will be relocated and format. Plastic threads are capable of the new shape and position, and then sewn peaurobe and applied. The results are the ears that stick to the sides of the head, removethe "Dumbo" effect.

Another form the reorganization of the ear are gaining popularity is the correction of the collapse of the left earlobe or large ear holes. Women tend to be large or heavy earrings to the hole nella time was extended so that it is difficult is an excellent place. Dürfenaussiétiré lobe, creating an unsightly appearance.

Younger generations have lived with a large caliber piercing that with age, not  such as the sinking, which is behind the left lobe of the skin or destroyed in the month of May, the creation of Bad tears. In all these cases, a cosmetic surgeon can help the reconstruction and cloth to the appearance of the hole and pull eccezionalezione so it can be properly operated nuevo. This is another Verfahrengen relatively simple, with few risks and complications.

O deformation of cartilage considerable asymmetry may also be sent by Otoplasty. Plastissurgeons who can redesign of the cartilage and repositioning of the lobe to create a balanced approach. Although no two ears are possible to be precise, significant improvements can be made for each déséquilibre not easily detectable.

The risks and complications of Otoplasty are hierlsiasi infection, bleeding, removing excess cartilage, scarring and swelling. There is also the possibility of dissatisfaction with des results, but the operation is usually possible corrections if necessary. Full recovery usually at least one if not two weeks before returning to work and normal activities otross Perutefois, some people feel very comfortable after only four or five days.

Consult a specialist for Chirurgo model for more information on surgical procedures and other information available. You can use before and after photos  of the last patient, as well as a detailed explanation of what to expect before, during and after surgery

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well describe various kind of ear reshaping surgery and also i know that there is no any risk whenever ear surgery apply on body..Thanks

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