Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How to Live With Depression

Living with depression can be distressing for the patient and the caregiver. The sad feeling empty loss of enjoyment of life, creates a "black cloud" in his head. There is a difference between depression and clinical depression response. If you know that depression can be the patient himself and the DSM-IV, a handbook for diagnosing mental disorders, depression states occurs when a person has five of the following symptoms while. * Depression, afmühsam eneEnergía and loss, feelings of worthlessness / guilt, poor concentration, insomnia / excessive sleep, decreased interest in almost all activities, recurrent thoughts of suicide or death, the feeling of restlessness or slower, and a significant loss and weight gain . For the diagnosis of these symptoms must be all day, every day or almost every day for two weeks. Symptômestomas can be to drugs, the state of health, or innerhalb two months after the death of a loved one.

Treatment: Antidepressants / mood ª abilizers, stimulants / Antianxiety medication, psychotherapy - to help develop strategies for coping, electro convulsive therapy - a summary of current through the scalp.

Natural Therapy - slight depression - talk to your doctor before starting self-treatment. * Acupuncture, aromatherapy, biofeedback, guided immaginazionese hypno, Kräuter, placement and language of yoga

Help for depressed patients:

* More information about this disease, you can target more
* The offer, you can use the healing power of connection
* If you want the small gains back the public's confidence
* Do not take more of what we can * their efforts to the best of what we have to offer
* Listen without trial
* Ask the person who covers riceveunande examination and applied directly to the mEdició to provide information
* Be patient, but to take seriously the comments of suicide and require emergency

Tips for Supervisors:

* Your task is not to the doctor, but to provide the best possible care medicaciónl
* Only in the immediate future, no time in the house of the future
* Recognize that the moments of grief and désespoir is a normal reaction
* Enfrente your fears andPain by writing down their thoughts in a notebook or Selbsthilfegruppen
* Take the time to renew, for an hour or less

In conclusion, the diagnosis of clinical depression is when a person over five symptoms of DSM-IV, while the manual. Living with depression can be distressing for the patient and the caregiver. It is important to ask AIDI. Strengthening of clinical depression is a diseasecare and treatment. Call your local health Münzel association of local hospitals or clinics and support groups. Caregivers must take care of themselves and have free time to renew. Offers of kindness and attention of people with depression and to be patient.

Reba is a practice nurse pension plans. He worked in home health, nursing, Rehabilación family and health. He has a website on issues ofHealth, ideas for the intelligent home, beautéallez un po 'di verde, and inspiration. For more information, visit

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