Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Human Super Organism

A colony of ants is a super-organism - Tens of thousands of small creatures with specific tasks and the different conceptions of the body and instincts, which together form the entire colony as a unit.

Sometimes asking the performance of small ant in this way.

It is not the wonder and complexity of the human body super - if any of the cells of the micro-organoorganismi (our cells), in liaisonvers as Kreatura.

Some come  a lacuerpo organs (heart, lungs, muscles ...). Others are mini-refineries - the chemical production complex - the organic and inorganic compounds.

Other work in harmony - but flows freely through the body, such as ants streaming from a colony of ants. Some of the food, the EPER attack kill intruders, viruses, bacteria and fungi. Finally, and the other sattaque birth defect in the cells, removes dead cells and decomposition.

Es are a large number of micro-chemical refining and chemical changes in all of this super-colony of thousands of billions of individual organisms.

Even more astonishing are the cells of the immune system - that is intentionally changing attaquants new - but with a collective memory of the former drug addicts.

If you have a flu, ill, because deles cellular immunity is not yet known to kill the virus. Since the virus can not be scHaden as "spirit" of the immune system remembers how to kill.

Taking a drug used to treat the symptoms, so you do not, until the immune system is constantly evolving to be able to kill the virus, s fungi, bacteria or internal error.

Only the body can kill the virus - the drug is only the symptoms. Sin embargo, changes in cellular systems always mean that things can go wrong, moltschnell, or if the mutation of the malenlichen cells.

The need for the health of cells, including cells of the immune system and the ability of cells to reproduce before they are too old, it is essential for Santy.

It is assumed that people are weak and sick with other diseases is much simpler than the healthy and strong.

Struggles of life, health, disease, yield and death, everything in the microscopic, cellular level.

If you think that man has developed from simple organisms over billions of years, or are the result of a plan to dominate the will of God, is to determine the cellular inlivello life - and life is complex and several collections of cells as a super organism - the human body is so complex as a self-Madet and an inner voice.

But the body is still a large organization, consisting of billions of cells, in  the way it works. Can a man can not be healthy if your cells are sick, may not be strong if their cells are weak and can nonnon young people, when their cells are al.

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