Friday, February 27, 2009

Allergies - Understanding Perfume and Cologne Allergies

There are many people who have allergies to allergens and irritants in the air, like smoke, the smoke from the fireplace in winter, dust mites, animal Dander, cockroach shares, mold and pollen. Can an allergic reaction at any time in contact with these allergens. But wait, there are more allergens, you need to understand.

Schools are an ideal place in which a student takes can lead to severe asthma problemis when you try to concentrate on school work diero. Many students use perfume and Cologne at school and not know that their colleagues in the month of May are allergic to fragrances neurological. I have several customers who work with the school for their children because of this phenomenon in the public and private schools. Behavior of their children was by this scent, but changed dramatically when they are no longer APE school.

America has a problem of violence in schools. Inclusoestudió Who has the possibility that the problem der discipline in Cologne, perfumes and allergies. Laboratory tests were conducted in rats, which, if certain chemicals, they are very aggressive in their behavior towards other rats of the same population. This is a pretty strong argument for public research to help ahfaire nosseo children. Our children are our future and must be protected.

Parents, dieKinder in schools should have received a copy of the report TMESA, also known as the safety data sheet die manufacturers and distributors of perfumes Cologne. They must be available to all consumers. She says exactly what is in the product. This can help the cause of your child's allergies. Genitorideve proactive and not reactive to violence in the school.

To summarize, chemicals such as acetone, ethanol, ethyl acetate and linalool were in trace quantities in some brands of perfumes and colonies. Doing an Internet search from Google or Yahoo for thisSubstances. You will be surprised. It is important to see what their children because of counterfeiting, in markets puunités administration and elsewhere. Most of these products come from China and not sufficiently tested to our standards in the United States. If diedas child has a severe reaction to the smell, it is important that you contact your Arz.


Morna Battle said...

Please explain the following statements:

1. research to help ahfaire nosseo children.

2. school work diero.

3. APE school.

4. contact your Arz.
Thanks, Morna Battle

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