Sunday, February 22, 2009

How to remove all tension from the body

If you feel tense, it is difficult to be flexible in your body and your posture. On the contrary, are often in a position to respond to the changes in your life where you are relaxed. If you are a long time, it can be difficult to learn a new skill and the ability to eliminate tensions. An attempt for the good of their health and the people in your life.

Make sure that the manutenzioneil healthy and avoid the consumption of junk foodd alimentsvous elodes sugar. If you are mostly sedentary, take the time to stretch. Maintain good posture throughout the day, hunching and interferes with their ability to breathe.

Do you have time, preferably in the morning. Even the slow March periodically remove tension from your body. Start with five minutes per day, and at least half an hour three times sUROPEA.

What makes you feel tense. Calls peuventsuffisamment interruzione time without working or driving with a bad attitude. To find ways dereducir these situations makes it more fun if you can.

Learn relaxation techniques like yoga, self-hypnosis and progressive muscle relaxation. Listen to music CDs and books on tape.

Take warm bath before bedtime. Ct you fall asleep quickly and deeply. It's hard to believe when you are relaxed tired, and added to the tension definitivamenvousand during the day. Try to go to bed at 10:00 on the clock support for the circadian rhythm of COR.

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