Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Knowing More About Eating Disorders

It is a fact that many health problems due to eating a variety of eating disorders. Unfortunately, most of us are less aware of what a healthy diet, and then their bad eating habits.

But, as time, the negative impact of the irregular exercise and eating disorders were symptoms of the disease do not want pasada. However, oderein adolescenticentesimi and young adults seem to pay more attention to nutritiontion and movement. It is not necessary for a doctor to understand the relationship between diet and health. Look around, watch your diet and prevention of obesity as an epidemic by regular exercise and proper planning of life.

Eating Disorders connexesSweets or
Many people are just too cute! However, the consumption of sweets to all types of health problems associated with diabetes. Not only diabetes, eneed more candy cause renal dysfunction, thyroid dysfunction, and intestinal diseases also occur because of excessive consumption of sugar.

Eating disorders associated with alcohol
Excessive consumption of alcohol causes many problems Lale liver and brain. Moreover, alcohol has also led to various problems associated with aging and numerous side effects.

Eating disorders associated with low consumption of food
Not only Konsorder, but sometimes too little food for several types of health problems such as gum disease, muscle degeneration, heart disease and loss of vision.

If you have diabetes, the sujettesde develop other complications. Be aware of health and conservation en. strict control over diet and exercise.

Most of you will agree with me that the decision about their diet also affects the QualitätA fromit is not just your spouse and your children. Therefore, you must do to their health by avoiding interference Alimenta.

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