Monday, February 23, 2009

Oxytocin - A Biomedical Treatment For Social Anxiety, Bonding Issues

In Part 1 of this article has investigated how oxytocin can influence positive changes, particularly in regard to social anxiety, fear and trust. We have also discussed why this might be a useful biomedical intervention for autism, many people in the autistic spectrum.

For a more complete picture of oxytocin, here are some additional advantages:

* Reduces the pressure to regulate the blood pressure and abnormal Livon cortisol.
* Reductionrt the fear, anxiety and social anxiety.
* Adherenciay increase feelings of love.
* Improvement of social interaction and a feeling of confidence.
* Improving the threshold of pain, and promotes the growth and healing.
* Participation in the production and the decrease in milk during lactation and plays an important role in mother-child bonding.

In short, questol'ormone is very interesting, and the potential of biomedical autism Traiteentsnt a WiderIder people with autism spectrum and have no social anxiety, fear and trust. Moreover, the ability to improve the signal oxitocinapara face recognition may be important for the normal relationship of social interaction and development.

Oxytocin and autism biomedical intervention is an injection and nasal spray. Spray nasaledi is usually once or twice a day, or commeun needs at times of increased fear and horror. Some Apotikheken sokeine compound related sublingual oxytocin for immediate recording. It is also a transdermal cream oxytocin for people with difficulties in the injection, nasal spray or tablets.

Like everything in medicine, especially if the chemical hormone is used with caution. It is important for ristabiliresapere hormones, the whole body etmai influence of other physiological changes. Oxytocin has a certain influence on the amount of sodium, and insulin und glucagon - the impact on blood sugar.

My feeling is that the further use of a product, such as oxytocin should be checked at regular intervals to check sangrepara analysis of the different levels of blood chemistry. However, the potential for a trattamentoBiomediche autism, particularly for those with a weight of fear and signification Union issues - may be useful.

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