Friday, February 20, 2009

Hemorrhoid Removal - The 4 Most Popular Methods

If you currently suffer from hemorrhoids, how terrible is taken into account. You can hurt like hell, and let yourself be in a state of great unease. If you could wave a magic wand and do. The treatment of the four popular hemorrhoids you some options I would like to point out that some of these methods are not completely cure your hemorrhoids.

1) Surgery

Popular among doctors is that the operation has only the nature and  Their way Beseitigungvon hemorrhoids. The contention is that other treatments are not entirely eliminate, hemorrhoids and to relieve symptoms only. Please note that most doctors recommend surgery only in extreme cases (for example, if you have pain and swelling).

2) Drugs

Another option is to medicine. Something that the doctor can give you an vasodilatateur. This causes the smooth muscle cells in the rectum of the blood vessels Riojaserweitern and relax. You can also pain, pain medication or steroids for the itching. These medications are not completely eliminate hemorrhoids, but can the great relief of pain and discomfort.

3) Food

Constipation means that everyone has a painful hemorrhoids, as his sgabellot soft, as expected. So if unconstipated can réduiredouleur. If the consumption of dietary fiber. Start to eat more fruit Getrocknete seeds, fruits and vegetables. It should also crecientese consumption of water for at least 8-10 glasses per day.

4) No deformation

Not really a method for removal of hemorrhoids, including myself, because of its simplicity and usefulness. To speak, as it helps aprevenire cases of hemorrhoids. When you visit the bathroom next door, do not try to order the evacuation intestinalenal. Here is how hemorrhoids - when the veins of the rectum are stretched.  It is also possible possible to avoid heavy lifting and long sit.

5) FORM OF BOND - safe and natural method of the 48 ode

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