Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Homemade Solutions to Combat Acne

Acne is an inflammatory disease characterized by the transformation of skin structures consisting of a hair root, the sebaceous glands to. A sebaceous gland is a small gland of the skin that secrete a fat (oil) into the hair to lubricate the skin. When the sebum secretion is or pores of the skin and hair can not be lubricated because of acne.

Acne can happen nelqualsiasi age, but some common during adolescence, based on almost 85% of young people. To zu prevent stress and a further meeting was able to get rid of this disease at home with solutions.

The egg is in almost every household, so that eggs ready for use as a drug for acne. They only apply to acne ridden skin and leave for five ten-twenty-five minutesla cough. DopoQuesto washing eggs normal skin with water and zeigtwieder a clear focus on the next D acnéay.

Toothpaste can also be used as the  easiest way to make home acne simply through the application of irritating grain. You need some "toothpaste for each grain, before you go to bed and remove the paste with hot water in the morning and pat the skin dry. Exciting results, repeated in the consequences. Try not to make the toothpaste is not in other parts of the skin, it can cause an inflammatory response customers.

Treatment is easy to use at home to controlAcne is the use of skin arcillasobre. Put some "mud mask on the skin prone to acne, before you go to sleep at night and rinse with hot water in the morning. Repeat the process for a few days or fat, it seems necessary, and that certainly increase irritationstion inflammatory acne intervistati.

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