Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My Friend Has Nervosa, What Can I Do?

As a friend to sit and watch someone who wants to suffer from eating disorders? What can I do to help is a common problem. Unfortunately, there is no simple answer to this question. Everyone has a lot of variables, which together to develop anorexia nervosa. The family and friends want to help if you try to control and do things around the anorexic for themselves to do.

It seems so easy to say unanorexique to "eat" for a fifthel you "eat". In the absence of people around them are usually frustrated and annoyed by the anorexia. If we succeed in the skin of the person for a minute, maybe the experience you can sympathize with what they live.

Disorders of anorexia, not just one month. If someone has recognized the signs and symptoms of anorexia and realizes something is not right that your friend was the destructive behavior of significant CETEeinen  Period. Anorexia nervosa is a learned behavior that they create a false sense of control and power.

If it can be like an addiction anorexia, then you will see the model in May behavioral addiction. Can help you to understand what happened during the anorexia. I have also taken the time to this behavior, eating disorders. It is less than the amount that tempsou behavior Cancel.

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