Infants begin life with a liquid food or breast milk, formula or a combination of both. You should stay in a completely liquid up to six months when solid foods are introduced gradually. In one year, your baby should be eating three meals and two snacks a day of table foods and drinking milk as a supplement - not a meal. This is a quick transition for the mother and child, and the most important part to a smoothsmooth transition to determine how your child should Trinkenwährend of the first year.
Birth to six months
If you breastfeed your baby, you do not usually an indicator of how much your baby to eat other than the amount of time spent on each breast. A meeting of breastfeeding once the mother and child, should takere ten to thirty minutes, but can be longer for a number of reasons. As a newborn, your baby may Krankenschwester for eight to twelve times per day in each interval, and this trend may be up to six months.
Formula takes a bit longer to digest for infants usually wait a little longer between feedings and the quantities consumed may vary considerably among babies. There is no average, but beforeintroduction of solids, your baby is likely to drink 16 to 32 ounces, or 460 to 940 ml per day. Some babies drink moreor less, and the best way to judge whether the amount is correct, check your weight and your child's growth over time. Your doctor will tell you to all appointments.
A numerical approach to the quantity of a child should be eating from the American Academy of Pediatrics? On average, your baby should take about 2 1 / 2 ounces formula a day for each kilogram of body weight. This corresponds to 24 to 36 ounces formula after four months for most babies.
Sechs months up to one year
Almost six months is the introduction of solid foods. In this introductory period, solid foods are a supplement to the milk diet, but in recent months, soDeckel food staple diet for your baby, and is protected by the first breast milk or formula, followed by cow's milk (unless you continue to breast-feeding, according to this point.)
At six months, your child will be at the request of the nursing care to drink odit is about 36 ounces per day formula. This requirement should be in the coming months, as you most in the diet of solid foods. In addition to the strong, the milk will be down until he drinks only twocups their first birthday per day. The two Cup requirement is an average and is designed for infants and children of all age.
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