Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fat Reduction Lasers May Decrease Hunger

Treatments for surgical removal of fat such as liposuction can significantly reduce the weight of a person and completely remodel their shape. But how long do results last? One argument often made against liposuction and other similar treatments is that they provide to patients with short-term solutions to their weight problems. If a patient continues to engage in bad eating habits after surgery, all the work done by the surgery will inherently risky lost.
Since the 1980s, researchers have attempted to reach the effectiveness of alternative non-invasive surgery for removing fat. Several procedures laser removal of fat have been approved for use by the FDA in recent years. Laser technology seems to hold great promise for the future of non-invasive removal of fat, and some of the benefits of laser treatment removal of fat may even go well beyond short-term results.

How Laser Works Degreasing

As the laser increases Erchonia chest, there are several types of laser fat removal procedures. One of the most popular is to introduce a fiber optic laser into the tiny area of the body targeted. This is done through a small incision, small enough to not leave a scar, or require a long recovery period. The small laser provide energy directly to fat cells. The fat cells melt and are absorbed by the lymphatic system of the patient and are then naturally Flushed Away.

In addition, fat suppression laser avoids major side effect of removal procedures traditional fat: loose skin. After treatment of liposuction, the patient is often left with loose skin due to the drastic removal of fat. Laser removal of fat, however, leaves less loose skin. Because the laser heat that melts the body fat also causes collagen fibers of the skin to contract. The skin tightens and adjusts preferable to the new body shape.

Can you reduce hunger?

New research has shown that in some cases, fat suppression laser treatments can effectively help patients reduce their hunger. How it works? According to Steve Shanks, president of Erchonia Medical (one of the leading manufacturers of medical lasers in the U.S.), laser treatments remove some fat to help reduce hunger hormone leptin. By reducing the levels of leptin, the treatment helps patients better control their appetite, making it easier for them to stick to a healthy diet.

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