Friday, October 16, 2009

Insomnia defeat with therapies based on training and brainwave binaural beats.

About chronic insomnia
The chronic lack of sleep is one of the most terrible experiences we can have in life. Only those who have suffered from chronic insomnia can really understand how it is the weakening of being deprived of sleep.

When you go to bed at night completely exhausted, and then can not sleep. You lie there, eyes closed, trying to relax and spend a few minutes, but you can not sleep.

Some nights you may not sleep at all when we see the first light of dawn begins to crawl on the windowsill, or if you hear the dawn chorus starting, and you know you're in a Another day exhaustingly difficult.

Therefore, insomnia is difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep, or both. Not only the lack of sleep make you feel bad, it also has unpleasant side effects and dangerous. If you can not sleep are at risk and you need to solve it. Research has shown that there are many problems associated with chronic sleep deprivation.

Facts about insomnia

Lack of sleep can shorten your life. Deaths from all causes is lowest among adults who get seven to eight hours of sleep per night, and significantly higher among those who sleep less than seven years.

Intellectual performance is reduced. Critical thinking is greatly reduced (so do not stay up all night for saturating a review). The reaction time is slowed, which could be fatal in some cases, such as driving a car. The immune system is weakened. Sleep researcher Eve Van Cauter of the University of Chicago, gave the vaccine against influenza to those who had slept only four hours per night for six nights. Their immune systems produced only half the normal number of antibodies in response to the vaccine. This study also showed: heart rate and blood pressure were raised. Insulin resistance, a pre-diabetes, which affects glucose tolerance and produces weight gain in point. Leptin levels were reduced. Leptin is secreted by fat cells and suppresses appetite, so weight gain is ultimately the results of lost sleep. Other studies have shown similar results.

But fatigue is not a condition impressive, people do not see it and they do not understand. They can not understand how you feel. Your doctor may know very little about sleep and sleep deprivation. The recommendation from doctors is usually a prescription for sleeping pills.

Sleeping pills are not the answer

You can take a sleeping pill from time to time or in an emergency without difficulty, but taking them on a regular basis is a disaster. The more you take them the more you're likely to need to increase the dose and then increased again. Finally, you may develop rebound insomnia, which means they stop working completely.

Even when they do sleeping pills work do not really give you the list you need sleep. They knock you out, but they do not allow you to go through the sleep cycle normally.

Sleep is not unconsciousness. It is dynamic, cycling about every 90 minutes during the night through the important stages of sleep. Otherwise, you do not sleep with all the normal benefits of refreshing sleep you need. No wonder you do not feel rested.

A natural remedy for insomnia

Because sleeping pills are not a good answer to insomnia people who can not sleep are seeking a natural remedy for insomnia. Brainwave training is a natural remedy against insomnia you may not have tried. Brainwave training has helped many people regain the ability to sleep well all night and all you have to do is listen.

Brainwave Entrainment works by slowing the brain waves so that they move in sleep mode and allow the listener to sleep. If they wake in the night, they can listen again.

Sleep and Brainwave Training

Your brain uses electrical signals to communicate with all systems in your body. The rate of electrical impulses, or brain waves can be measured using electroencephalography (EEG). Brainwaves vary their pace according to what we do.

When we are alert and busy activity of our brain is fast and the waves are closer together. When we relaxed the surge model is much slower. As we begin to go to sleep, brain waves become even slower.

If you can not sleep your brain waves are more likely not to slow down enough. If you have a mind busy and can not stop thinking, you can not relax. Your brain waves will continue to go fast in the same way as they do when you're busy during the day.

What you want is your ideas slow to alpha. Lying in bed with eyes closed and listen to an audio file of brainwave training can guide your brain into a slower pace. As this happens normally drift gently into a natural sleep.

When your brainwaves slow down your heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, respiration and muscle tension relax all too. The idea is to get the brain waves to slow down to alpha, so you can easily fall asleep. Then, training is ongoing and you can go to sleep so that after about 60 minutes, you reach a deep sleep delta waves.

So why the training of brain waves is not prescribed for sleep disorders most often? Why is not the first line of treatment for those who can not sleep even before the drugs are taken into account?

The answer is that most doctors do not know. They are not taught about this in medical school and have little opportunity to learn later. When doctors can not sleep, they usually use a prescription drug and suffer the same problems as you do!

But training the brain waves is becoming better known today and the word is out that this is an easy, fast, inexpensive cure for insomnia than anyone else can not sleep should at least try.

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