Thursday, October 1, 2009


One million Americans, many uninsured, will cross the border this year to find options for quality health care in Mexico. From simple dental procedures to advanced cancer treatments, the savings are enormous and the option of Mexico is becoming increasingly attractive to those who are looking for alternatives.
46 million Americans are without adequate health care coverage, and with the perspective of socialization, health care rationing looms on the horizon, many of those who are insured have turned his face to options outside of America. While medical tourism is a growth industry, with many seeking treatment in India, Singapore, Thailand, Panama and other destinations, Mexico is the number one cause of lower-cost options for care and transport costs to low to get there.

The Americans who live within driving distance of the border one day have the privilege to have the opportunity to gain even minor procedures such as routine dental care and treatment for minor illnesses, at a fraction of the cost at home . And for those who are faced with the need for treatments for cancer, extensive surgery or expensive here in the United States, including travel by the Northern States is economically justified.

While most Mexicans all hospitals require payment in advance, there are many options for your surgery and travel packages financed by passing through an agency referral. At a time of crisis, many doctors are not prepared for the high cost of treatment, but with discounts available to the south of the border, and financing as an option, the outlook becomes much brighter.

Mexican doctors are often trained in American medical schools, and those who are not are largely trained in Guadalajara, Mexico's medical mecca, where even the American doctors often go for training. Americans who travel to Mexico for the treatment of routine report that their doctors and hospital staff were incredibly warm and friendly and seemed to care much more than their physicians in America. They spend time with their patients, often personal, follow-up calls and in their communities are also known to house calls!

For those who are able to live part time in Mexico, there is an incredible opportunity to be able to sign for IMSS, Mexico's plan for nationalized health care. And the cost for foreigners is usually only about $ 250 a year. For missionaries, business travelers, and students who are in Mexico for long journeys, there is no travel insurance at affordable prices, providing emergency treatment necessary.

Mexico is an attractive and reasonable option for those who are working on a personal project for the treatment and needs an alternative to what is cost prohibitive in the house. A little 'research will reveal a world of possibility and opportunity in Mexico.

1 comment:

Paulo Yberri said...

For those who do not have healthcare or dental insurance, or those whose insurance does not cover a certain necessary procedure, going to Mexico for the care that they need is an excellent option. They can save money on the procedure and get the same exact type of care they would get in the United States, if not better. Mexican hospitals have come a long way in the past several years and people should consider all their options before just dishing out thousands of dollars to a doctor.