Saturday, October 17, 2009

What expectations LASIK Recovery You Can Have

When asked about having their surgery, most people describe their LASIK recovery process as nice to not have to wear glasses anymore, but seldom mention any of the minor discomforts that may happen. Although it does not take much time to recover, or any pain with the procedure, there are several thing you can anticipate happening.
Many people do say that there is only a slight improvement immediately following the procedure then it was before they had it when they removed their glasses. Very few actually say they see perfectly following the procedure. It is advised that you have someone drive you home no matter what your eyesight is, to be safe.

While most say that the procedure, and even after, is painless, there is some minor discomfort. Your eyes may be slightly sensitive to bright lights, and you may want to bring along some dark sunglasses to go home in so it can minimize the discomfort of that. Your doctor may also give you clear eye shields to protect the eye, even when you are just sitting, so your eyes do not get harmed. Some people also say that at night, they see some glaring around objects as well

Dry eyes may be problematic for you as well. Some surgeons will prescribe an eye drop to keep the eyes wet that have antibiotics in them. You may have tears in your eyes as well as a slight burning to them, but it is important not to rub them to ease the burn or wipe the moisture out of your eyes, which the eye shield can help you remember not to do this.

You may be exhausted after the procedure, and it is encouraged to sleep some when you get home. A few hours of sleep can alleviate most of the discomfort you may feel from the LASIK surgery, and many say their eyesight is much better after a nap.

Most of the time, you can return to work the next day. You should not play sports, or engage in anything strenuous for at least a week to make sure the eye has healed.

Some people cannot read close up for several days following the procedure, but that they read within a few days clearly. The doctors also want the eyes relaxed while they heal, and therefore you should not read, watch TV or use your computer for a full day following the surgery.

Your eyesight will not be fully 20/20 for about a week to 10 days. Most people do tell you that they have perfect eyesight at the end of this, but it can take up to 6 months for your vision to stabilize.

The LASIK recovery is relatively easy following the surgery. The downtime is very short, and there is almost no interruption in your life while you do so. There are a few things you may need to adjust for, such as no television and realizing you may not see perfectly right away, but living without your glasses can be worth it.

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