Monday, October 19, 2009

The Lap-Band Weight Loss Procedure Has a Great Success Rate

Bariatric surgery is the most effective for very obese people lose weight, but it is a major operation with serious risks. A new study shows that 3 to 1,000 people die shortly after this surgery. This risk must be weighed against the individual health problems may face because of their weight.
What do we know already? Approximately half of adults in England and Wales are overweight, and about a quarter are obese. Someone who becomes obese at a young age could lose 20 years of their life because of health problems caused by their weight.

Individuals with great determination may be able to lose weight through diet and exercise, but most people eventually develop at least some weight on his back. Drugs weight loss can increase the benefits of diet and exercise, but the effects are small and the drugs have side effects.

The only treatment proven to lead to significant, sustained weight loss is a drastic one: surgery to the stomach and digestive system, called bariatric surgery. In the past, the high risks of surgery, including the possibility of death meant that it was used only as a last resort. Now, however, bariatric surgery is much safer, and the epidemic of obesity means that more people and more suffer serious health problems because of their weight. Thus, surgery is becoming more frequent. The researchers examined records of nearly 5,000 people having bariatric surgery, to get a better idea of whether the transaction is worth the risk.

What the new study say? The mortality rate in the first month after surgery was 3 in 1000. Around 1 in 25 people got some kind of serious problems after surgery, as a dangerous blood clot in a vein, the need for more surgery, or need a long hospital stay.

The risks were higher for gastric bypass surgery, where a small bag is made in the stomach and connected directly to the intestine. All deaths happened to people having this surgery. Nobody dies after a smaller operation called gastric banding, where a removable tape is used to close a portion of the stomach. However, a gastric band does not help people lose as much weight as gastric bypass, so even if the risks are lower, the benefits may not be as great. The risks of surgery are higher for people who were very obese, who had a history of blood clots, or had a problem where they stop breathing for short periods during the night (sleep apnea).

How reliable are the results? A problem with this study is that all operations were performed by expert surgeons. We do not know whether the risks of surgery would be higher in a typical hospital. The majority of patients were in their 30s and 40s, most were women and 90 percent were white. So we do not know whether the risks of surgery would be different for older people, men or ethnic minorities.

Where does the study come from? The researchers were based in the United States. Their study was published in The New England Journal of Medicine, which is owned by the Massachusetts Medical Society. The funds came from several sources, including the U.S. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.

What does this mean for me? If you are considering surgery for weight loss, this study provides some important information about the risks you face. However, it is important to talk to your doctor, because your own risk depend on the quality of your overall health is, and the exact type of surgery you've been offered. This particular study only followed patients for 30 days after surgery, so it does not tell us whether the benefits of weight loss outweigh the short-term risks of surgery. However, other research shows that bariatric surgery can help with health problems like diabetes and heart disease, as well as extending the lives of people in the long term.

What should I do now? Bariatric surgery is not usually doctors recommend the first option, but the NHS guidelines say he can be offered to adults with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or more. Someone with a height of 175 cm (5 feet 9 inches) would have a BMI of 40 if they weighed about 122 kilograms (19 stone). People who weigh less may be considered for surgery if they have health problems, such as blood pressure. If you're concerned about your weight, talk to your doctor about the best approach for you.

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