Friday, October 23, 2009

How to Deal with a Mesothelioma Diagnosis

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that starts in the mesothelium, which are the cells that cover organs within the body. If you have been diagnosed with this rare form of cancer, you may feel overwhelmed and frightened, both of which are completely normal reactions. However, there are certain things you can do to help cope with the diagnosis and treatment.
Learn as much as possible about your condition. If possible, bring a friend or family member to visit your doctor. Not only a loved one can provide emotional support, he or she can also listen and remember information you may forget.

One of the first things done after an initial diagnosis is staging of cancer. Staging is done to determine the extent of cancer. Mesothelioma is aggregated from Stage I to Stage IV. Stage I indicates that the cancer has not spread beyond the cell wall. Stage IV means the cancer has spread to other organs such as brain, blood or lymphatic system.

Before meeting with your doctor, write down the questions beforehand. This may prevent you from forgetting something during your appointment. Do not be afraid to ask as many questions as you want. Become your own health advocate. Learn about mesothelioma will help you decide with your doctor about treatment and may also help you feel more in control.

Discuss all treatment options. The type of treatment recommended may depend how far the cancer, your age and general health. In most cases, mesothelioma is treated with a combination of chemotherapy drugs. Radiotherapy and surgery may also be used, depending on the stage where the cancer was diagnosed.

Ask about possible side effects and what can be done to reduce them. For example, some chemotherapy drugs may cause nausea. Medicines to fight against this side effect may help. Know what to expect may help reduce fears about treatment. It may also give you time to develop ways to cope.

Do not be afraid to accept help. While each may respond differently to treatment, you may have some fatigue, nausea and a reduced ability to fight infection. Getting help with housework, meals or child care may help you cope with both cancer and treatment.

The costs for treatment of mesothelioma can be high. Even with insurance, there may be co-payments for appointments and tests. You may also have lost wages. Call the office of your disability status to determine if you qualify for disability insurance. Contact the National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society. They have info on the various organizations that offer financial assistance for cancer patients.

Physical problems are not the only thing you deal in May after a diagnosis, especially given the low risk of a positive prognosis of mesothelioma. Emotional problems are also likely to grow. Feelings of depression, fear and helplessness are all normal and may occur. Participate in activities you enjoy, such as recreation and spending time with friends may help. Joining a support group may also be a way to cope with emotional problems. Ask your doctor about support groups in your hospital or contact the American Cancer Society. They may be able to refer you to a group in your area.

Getting through treatment can be difficult. However, having a strong support system, becoming educated about your illness and taking care to help May Eat well, exercise with your physician's approval and rest when necessary.

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