Saturday, October 17, 2009

Tips for quitting smoking Quitting Tobacco

Try to make a perfect plan to stop smoking cigarettes and choose a date to quit. Do consult your doctor before taking any of these plans, most doctors recommend that you take an antidepressant medication for two weeks before leaving. Share your plan with everyone you know and try to tell them that you're going to quit and what day. This action will your will power strong and also encourage you to keep your word. Therefore, it is recommended that, trying to gather as much support as you can. Try to convince your spouse or partner or friend to quit with you, by joining a support group online or find someone in your area. Nobody smokes because they think it's good for them. Since this is not a decision taken at a rational level. This is a decision on an emotional level. However, maintaining a habit is most often an unconscious process. For this very reason quit smoking is a process that is most easily achieved by using hypnosis method that directly accesses the subconscious. Like many hypnotists have helped people quit for years. Personally, I smoked 30 a day until I quit, so I know exactly what it is. I also know some other things. Many smokers realize the need to quit. However, they often stop to question. How do? There are many ways to the right, which help to stop this situation. It is good planning and good attitude on the part of the smoker who wants to stop. You must keep in mind some basic things before starting treatment. The treatment may last very long if smokers do not implement the right strategies. The main challenges include making a firm decision to quit the habit by setting a fixed date, following a plan that treats the symptoms of withdrawal, and stay smoke-free. Firstly, it is unnecessary to replace the cigarettes with gum, patch or other source of nicotine. An addiction is an addiction, regardless of source. If you deal with the dependency you must take it with courage and to face head on. While some addictions are best treated with a process of weaning, cigarettes are not in this category. Secondly, stop this habit is more likely to succeed when they put every effort in place to succeed. This means a diet rich in protein, a full breakfast and an exercise regime that is simple, with achievable objectives that can be stored for at least two weeks after quitting. If it happens to be maintained longer, even better. Visualizing you live a world without tobacco, because even without that first cigarette of the day and see yourself to take a quiet drink on your terrace, free of any tobacco product, is a positive process and mechanism of statement. The establishment of a hope of success, and establishing control over all the possible conditions that can help you reach your goal together. Finally, hypnosis to provide a reasoned approach to end this habit, and delete the original triggers this habit. This is essential as you restart the stop "smoking is the last challenge, and most single people struggle with most.

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